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“All I want to do is God’s work”

“All I want to do is God’s work”, were the words that my friend uttered to me.

As he spoke these words, I felt the deep resonance of these words. We live in a world that promotes doing soulless work to just pay the bills.

We are taught that we are just bags of blood and flesh, but nothing could be further from the truth.

I am not a religious man. And I definitely don’t buy into the human projection of the traditional God.

But I am a deeply spiritual man. Life has shown me umteen times that we are spirits incarnated in a human vessel.

And this spirit has come onto this earthly plane with a purpose. This purpose I am referring to as God’s work, only because my friend uttered these words.

I have felt purpose to be my highest value since I was young. And the ride to living my highest purpose has been a somewhat dangerous one at times.

I have teetered on the edge of disaster as I have attempted to traverse my way through the jungle of my ego trying its best to sabotage my efforts to live out ‘God’s work’.

Yet whenever I have trusted the call to deliver the great work, life has always had my back. It has always supported me financially. Especially when I don’t make ‘God’s work’ about me and my ego.

‘God’s work’ is exactly that. It is the work that you are a vessel for. The rewards of being brave enough to heed the call are exponential.

And I have experienced huge highs in serving those that I am called to serve.

As long as I don’t make it about money, I am blessed with a huge bounty from the universe. This is the paradox.

Ultimately ‘God’s work’ has something in common for every person that is called to deliver an offering into the world and that is that ultimately it serves people.

It promises to make a difference to those that the work is intended for.

I call upon you to be brave enough to traverse the jungle of your ego that is trying to put an end to the higher self that calls for sacred work that matters.

If you are ever stuck, just remember faith in the voice that summons you. If the voice calls you, it will also show you how to deliver the offering into the world successfully.

Purpose Est. 2007. Vineet Bhatia.


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