Client Praise

Before working with Vineet, I felt lost, directionless, and purposeless. Since joining forces with him, I have been able to discover my true life’s calling and my purpose. Vineet has helped me to tap into my innate inner intuition and genius within me (that we all have). If it hadn’t been for the work we’ve done, I honestly don’t know what I would be doing with my life.
Since working with Vineet,I use intuition in every single thing I do in my business now. Any decision I have to make, any action I have to take, any question I have… There is no more stress with it any more. I just intuitively step into it and trust the answers I get. Too often, we go against our gut instinct and our heart’s pull.
I highly recommend Vineet to anyone looking to step up their game, discover their purpose, or learn how to make authentic decisions without any stress.
Sanjog Sandhu

I have often felt like I’m on the ‘wrong track’ and although I have a pretty good sense of intuition, Vineet taught me how to trust and embrace it with courage and a bit of ‘tough love’. He has an incredible ability to get to the root of a situation and guide me through it,
After 4 months, I’m now able to connect instantaneously with my intuition and determine whether I’m doing something from a place of ego or my own genius. That doesn’t mean I don’t make mistakes, I believe it’s a lifelong journey and I’m eternally grateful for Vineet’s ongoing contribution.
Nicholas Ferguson, Creative Director/Business Owner at Inck London

One of the challenges I faced was getting in touch with my heart. There was a part of me that was disconnected from my true self and this had plagued me from a young age. With Vineet's gentle guidance and support, he showed me how to be more authentically me and how I could really touch my heart and listen to it. He has inspired me to continue this path and now I integrate his wisdom into my everyday life.
Daniel Dzikowski, Founder of Clear the Path

If I was head teacher of my own school then Vineet’s teachings would be the first subject on the course curriculum. During my 6 month coaching journey with Vineet I learnt from the very first day to stop running away from all the pain I was feeling in my life and to face it head on as it was no longer serving me. He helped me to shine the mirror in my face and to have the courage to look into the mirror.
He helped me to really understand that everything on the outside was as a result of what was going on in the inside. To me this was so profound and it rippled through all areas of my life with friends, family and work.
Today I am truly blessed to have worked with Vineet because I believe he is one of the most heartfelt, honest and loving spiritual teachers on this planet. I have such awareness now that when life does rear its ugly head I have the compassion and love to coach myself through it. His gift is the ability to intuitively help you tune in to your own guidance and help you trust and believe in yourself on this journey of life. From this place we can then start living life from a place of love and grounded spirituality.
Justin Carr

Vineet coached me for over 18 months & helped me to let go of my biggest fears and insecurities, thereby allowing me to transform my business in alignment to my purpose. He is an exceptional guide and healer with a great heart. I highly recommend him. I am now so much more successful, stronger, happier and conscious.
Adam Tallamy, Founder/Director of Chase Zander Recruitment

I am deeply grateful to Vineet, not so much for what he did (as he himself says that he hardly ‘did’ anything) but because of who he is. He is a man of love and integrity and who walks his own path bravely.
His simple invitation is to help others do the same. He opens to life and incredible things happen, and my experience is the same. Seriously consider working with Vineet, he will take you deeply into your ‘stuff’ and guide you through to the other side. As far as tour guides go he’s definitely got what it takes: he knows the territory, he’s walked it for years, he’s helped many many others. Now, no guarantees, but you ready to take a ride?”
Bruce Herd, Senior Software Engineer